Friday, March 11, 2011

Answer To Prayer

I thought as I am 'The Dad' 'round these parts it would behoove me to add a post to our family blog.For this first post I'd like to tell you about a wonderful answer to prayer we received from the Lord for Liam and Flynn. 

As some of you know, the lads have been seeking direction for the career they feel called to in the military. I had been praying for a year or more to make a contact with a man of faith who had also served in the same specialized capacity that they aspire to. Typical with God, his answer was far more than we could have expected. 

We had the great honor last month to meet in the home of a man who had served 23 years in the Navy,retiring as a commander. His basement had photgraphs and memorabilia from a long and vigorously served career which was certainly impressive in its own right. The best part was how honestly he described the many rewards of this work and the considerable cost to him and his family. He was very straightforward about the challenges and struggles he wrestled with to his faith in Christ and didn't hesitate to answer some very personal questions about these things. I was quite overwhelmed by his dedication to service for his country as well as the equally dedicated men he served with. It has given Liam, Flynn and I a much greater respect for those who protect our country.

After our visit the lads didn't say a word the whole way home, lost in thought over what they had heard. Interestingly it has served to encourage rather than the opposite and they have increased their efforts to prepare because of what they learned about in this meeting.

Please pray for Gods continued leading in this area of their lives. There are some substantial decisions ahead of them and they need His hand guiding them. 


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